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27.11.2018 | 14:20
Программа: Support for political prisoners

His name has been added to the official register of extremists and terrorists held by the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring), which in practice deprives him of access to his bank accounts.

Источник: «Мемориал»
21.11.2018 | 21:54
Программа: Hot Points

During the trial, Mr. Titiyev talked about his human rights work in Chechnya, about the threats and hostile actions received by him, about the security measures taken.

Источник: «Мемориал»
19.11.2018 | 21:18
Программа: Support for political prisoners

The number of Jehovah’s Witnesses now prosecuted for their faith has reached 62.

Источник: «Мемориал»
9.11.2018 | 11:45
Программа: Hot Points

On October 15 and 16, the Shalinsky City Court continued to question defense witnesses.

Источник: «Мемориал»
30.10.2018 | 10:42
Программа: Support for political prisoners

On 30 October, the Day of remembrance of the victims of political repressions, the Memorial Human Rights Centre publishes its traditional lists of political prisoners in modern Russia.

Источник: «Мемориал»
15.10.2018 | 00:21
Программа: Hot Points, Support for political prisoners

The Judge Closed Hearings on Oyub Titiev to the Public and the Press. 

Источник: «Мемориал»
14.10.2018 | 22:35
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Recently two lawyers, in different parts of Russia, who have been working on politically motivated criminal investigations, have themselves been subjected to unlawful pressure from law enforcement officials — pressure that has little to do with the principles of the law.

Источник: «Мемориал»
12.10.2018 | 18:33
Программа: Hot Points

The court then proceeded to question defense witnesses.

Источник: «Мемориал»
11.10.2018 | 10:02
Программа: Hot Points, Support for political prisoners

The prosecution’s witness is a drug user.

Источник: «Мемориал»
3.10.2018 | 15:20
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We call for his immediate release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
1.10.2018 | 22:25
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We demand that Roman Ternovsky be released.

Источник: «Мемориал»
27.09.2018 | 18:34
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We demand their immediate release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
23.09.2018 | 17:23
Программа: Muslims, Support for political prisoners

Memorial Human Rights Centre considers residents of Crimea Enver Mamutov, Rustem Abiltarov, Zevri Abseitov, and Remzi Memetov political prisoners.

Источник: «Мемориал»
20.09.2018 | 13:25
Программа: Muslims, Support for political prisoners

Memorial considers Aidar Galeev and Ilgiz Shakurov to be political prisoners and demands their release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
15.09.2018 | 09:46
Программа: Hot Points

During the trial on September 6, 2018, two witnesses were questioned. Both positively characterized Oyub Titiev.

Источник: «Мемориал»
11.09.2018 | 21:34
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We call for his immediate release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
11.09.2018 | 14:09
Программа: Hot Points

During the trial on August 28, 2018, four witnesses of the prosecution were questioned , officers of the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Kurchaloevsky District of the Chechen Republic.

Источник: «Мемориал»
11.09.2018 | 13:52
Программа: Hot Points

On August 27, 2018 the trial against the head of the Chechen branch of the Memorial, Oyub Titiev, continued in the Shalinsky District Court.

Источник: «Мемориал»
28.08.2018 | 08:57
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We call for his immediate release. 

Источник: «Мемориал»
23.08.2018 | 15:23
Программа: Hot Points

Three more witnesses of the prosecution interrogated. 

Источник: «Мемориал»
