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21.08.2018 | 13:39
Программа: Hot Points

An expert and a GATS inspector interrogated. The judge petitions to get the call log from the number of the latter. 

Источник: «Мемориал»
17.08.2018 | 14:34
Программа: Hot Points

«We do not stop women and do not impose fines to the elderly, this is the mindset of the Chechen police,« — one of the interrogated witnesses said today.

Источник: «Мемориал»
17.08.2018 | 14:29
Программа: Hot Points

Investigator in the Kurchaloevskij police station Nurid Salamov questioned. He was the head of the investigative group on Oyub Titiev's case during the first period of pre-trial investigation. 

Источник: «Мемориал»
8.08.2018 | 21:58
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Memorial Human Rights Centre calls for their immediate release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
3.08.2018 | 15:59
Программа: Hot Points

Nine witnesses of prosection interrogated.

Источник: «Мемориал»
27.07.2018 | 12:30
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Mikhail Savostin, a Stavropol region resident of oppositionist views, is currently on remand on charges of possessing drugs.

Источник: «Мемориал»
26.07.2018 | 13:37
Программа: Hot Points, Support for political prisoners

Six more witnesses of prosecution - police officers - interrogated. They no nothing on the matter of the case. 

Источник: «Мемориал»
24.07.2018 | 13:27
Программа: Support for political prisoners

His confession had been made under torture, says Shablii.

Источник: «Мемориал»
20.07.2018 | 16:28
Программа: Hot Points

Summary of main events

Источник: «Мемориал»
16.07.2018 | 00:00
Программа: Hot Points, Support for political prisoners

On the first day the prosecution presented the court witnesses which did not have the slightest idea of the circumstances of the case.

Источник: «Мемориал»
8.07.2018 | 14:07
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Mikhail Tsakunov has been charged with committing an offence under Article 318, Section 2, of the Russian Criminal Code (using violence, dangerous for life or health, against a public official).

Источник: «Мемориал»
15.06.2018 | 12:59
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We demand that the charges against Vilitkevich are immediately dropped.

Источник: «Мемориал»
14.06.2018 | 16:04
Программа: Support for political prisoners

There are 158 names in the lists that we are publishing today.

Источник: «Мемориал»
13.06.2018 | 14:44
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Memorial demands his immediate release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
4.06.2018 | 11:44
Источник: «Мемориал»
24.05.2018 | 20:49
Программа: Support for political prisoners

In 2013 Nariman Memedeminov, a citizen of Ukraine, posted reports on the web about events organised in Crimea by Hizb ut-Tahrir, an organisation at that time legal in Ukraine, but banned in the Russian Federation.

Источник: «Мемориал»
17.05.2018 | 12:02
Программа: Muslims, Support for political prisoners

Memorial considers Albert Shafiev, Aidar Aidarbekov, Nail Miniakhmetov, Maksim Puigin and Radik Imangulov to be political prisoners and demands their immediate release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
16.05.2018 | 13:07
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Ukrainian citizen Nikolai (Mikola) Dadeu was a volunteer in the years 2014–2015 supporting the Ukrainian armed forces and Ukrainian voluntary armed formations.

Источник: «Мемориал»
15.05.2018 | 20:07
Программа: Hot Points, Support for political prisoners

«Nine years ago, we could not save my mother. But we can save Oyub»

Источник: «Мемориал»
7.05.2018 | 10:44
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We demand an immediate end to the prosecution of Dmitry Tretyakov

Источник: «Мемориал»
