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Trial on Oyub Titiev: day 2


Six more witnesses of prosecution - police officers - interrogated. They no nothing on the matter of the case. 

Day 1 Report

The proceedings begin. There are three lawyers here: Dubrovina, Novikov, Zaikin.

The Witness, Yunusov Magomed (born in 1984), was born and lives in Mayrtup. He completed secondary school and has worked in a patrol service since 2008 as a senior sergeant.

He did not participate in Oyub’s detention, did not take him anywhere, and did not inspect the scene of the accident or the car.

When he was on foot patrol, he sometimes saw Oyub and greeted him.

Oyub was not taken to the department during Yunusov’s service period. He saw Oyub on TV.

Novikov: Did you give testimony in January that you do not know Titiev?

Witness: I don’t remember.

Novikov says that there are contradictions in the testimony, which Yunusov gave in the preliminary investigation. He asks to read out the testimony. Prosecutor Baytaeva is against the request. Oyub is for the request. The court allows for the testimony to be read.

Previously, Yunusov had told the investigator that he did not know Oyub. Yunusov says that he sees a lot of people while on patrol.

Novikov is interested in how the witness knew who the investigator was asking about during questioning if the witness did not know if he saw him (Oyub).

During the first questioning, Yunusov said that on January 9, Oyub did drive by him. Novikov is interested in how, the subject of his passing by in a car came up at all. The witness does not know anything about Oyub’s car, but he says he did not see Oyub drive by.

Zaikin: At 9am morning briefing begin. Is there someone patrolling at this time?

Witness: You need to ask my chiefs.

Zaikin: This means, starting at 9am Kurchaloy can be taken down with bare hands.

Zaikin: And where is the previous patrol team at this time?

Yunusov: You should not ask this question.

Zaikin: How long does the briefing take?

Witness: 10–20 minutes.

Zaikin: Do auto-patrols participate in service?

Witness: You need to ask the leadership, I do not know.

The witness does not know about other patrols. The witness says that he must watch so that people do not do bad things.

He never participated in auto-patrol. Probably, there is auto-patrol in the Kurchaloevskij District.

Zaikin: Did you receive a card of call signs on January 9?

Witness: There is something like this, we know the call signs of the patrol.

He does not remember the call signs of the auto-patrol.

Zaikin: If you need help, how will you call for it?

Witness: I know how to call, but I cannot say. This is a question for the leadership.

Zaikin: Are there any police cars with the Rapid Reaction Force inscription in Kurchaloevskij police department?

Witness: You need to ask the leadership, I don’t know.

Zaikin: The parking is located right next to the place where the briefing happens. He did not see workers in the Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) uniform. He does not know what RRF is.

They wear the uniform of the federal police in the Kurchaloevskij police department. Regarding other uniforms, he answers, that they what the leadership tells them to wear. He never saw a green and black uniform.

Dubrovina: Did you see any camouflage cars?


Dubrovina: When and whom was questioned on the case?

Witness: In the department, when-he doesn’t remember, the investigator introduced himself, but he doesn’t remember exactly who.

Dubrovina: Did you see others accused of drug trafficking on TV?

Witness: I did, but I can’t name another last name.

Dubrovina: How did you know during the investigator’s questioning that he was speaking about Titiev, considering he did not show a photograph of him?

He knows Titiev’s name from television. He cannot name another last name from TV.

Judge: Can you characterize Titiev? Did you make any remarks to him when you were meeting during patrol?

Witness: No.

Zaikin: Are both the old and new detachments present at the time of the briefings?

Witness: The new detachment takes the place of the old detachment.

Oyub asks on which street they saw each other.

Witness: In the park, where the mosque is.

Oyub: You could not have seen me where the mosque is. I have not walked there in five years, but you could have seen me in the park.

Witness 2 (of 9) from Mayrtup, Umar Ibragimov, works in patrol unit of the Kurchaloevskij police department, senior sergeant, has been at the checkpoint since 2014.

He does not know Oyub and did not participate in Oyub’s detention.

At the checkpoint two people serve, while two rest. They switch every two hours. He does not remember whether or not Oyub was brought through his checkpoint.

Unauthorized vehicles are not examined when they head to a police department accompanied by an employee with a pass.

He never participated in the detention.

Superiors give out the passes. Pass stubs do not stay at the check point. Any car with an employee is let through without inspection or recording.

No one in the car is recorded.

People pass through ckeckpoint 1 not only to get to police department, but also to the administration.

He does not remember cars with the Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) inscription passing through.

He knows what RRF stands for, but all questions about this group should be given to the authorities, he says.

He does not remember seeing people in the RRF uniform. He did not wear it himself. He does not remember seeing cars with camouflage colors. And in general, ask leadership.

He does not know what the everyday uniform of the police looks like.

Except for the field uniforms, blue camouflage, there is not another uniform. Then after the judge’s questions are translated from Russian into Russian, it turns out that there are also tunics and trousers after all.

He does not know all the employees.

He says that the employees pass through without verification as a matter of respect. He then adds that they check the identification of unknown individuals.

He does not remember whether or not he let through an employee driving a Lada on January 9th.

He did not let Oyub through or see him being detained.

Dubrovina: Well, he did not fly to the police station in a hot air balloon.

The witness does not remember.

Judge: Is there a garage at the police department?

Witness: You need to direct that question to the leadership.

He knows the employees’ cars, but does not remember the police station cars.

5-minute break.

Witness 3(of 10), Edilxanov Movsar, employee of the Kurchaloevskij police station. Since 2016 he has worked as a junior sergeant at the ROVD.

He goes along the routes-wherever he is sent.

He heard about Titiev on YouTube, but he doesn’t know what he looks like.

He did not participate in Oyub’s detention, and he did not bring him to the police station.

Winter uniforms-whatever they give us, we wear.

He answers Novikov’s questions by saying that investigator Salamov from the Kurchaloevskii police department had been pursuing the case earlier.

Novikov asks to examine the records of the investigation, as there are doubts as to whether the person who conducted the interrogation was then authorized to do, since the investigation was then transferred to the investigation committee.

The judge approves the request.

He does not remember the circumstances of the interrogation. He does not remember whether the investigator gave leading questions.

He does not remember if the investigator explained his rights or the procedure to him.

Novikov notes that the phrases from the witness interrogations are textually identical.

Employees of different units wear different uniforms. Whatever they are given, they wear.

Zaikin: They don’t give out red leggings?

Judge: Do you have any other uniforms?

Witness: I will not answer this question.

He never used the service cars.

He knows where the service transport parking is. There are the Road Police cars there. Cars with the inscription Patrol Unit or RRF were not seen.

He never saw a green army uniform.

Likewise, he never saw a sand-colored uniform.

He does not know or remember which entrance leads to the police station.

Someone in the audience suggests, «on a hot air balloon»

The judge reproaches the audience.

Witness: By any means, by parachute or by flying.

The judge asks him not to clown around, after which we finally find out that he enters the police station through the main entrance.

He saw the recording on YouTube himself, the investigator showed him.

He does not remember whether the investigator showed him a photo of Oyub.

He saw Sobchak on YouTube, she was carrying a poster around.

Witness 4 (of 11) Chimaev Denilbek, born 1980. He was born in Kurchaloi and completed higher education. He works in Patrol Unit.

He knows Oyub as a fellow villager.

He has worked at the police station since 2015.

On foot patrol from 9 until 9. He did not participate in Oyub’s detention.

Novikov asks what the witness knows about Oyub.

He does not know what people say about him.

After his detention, the witness also did not hear anything about him.

Testimony on Titiev’s case was given to Muratov. He recognized the last name when he read the testimony, on the same day that he testified.

But before and after this he did not meet Muratov.

While patrolling, he sometimes saw Oyub.

Did he hear that they spoke badly of Titiev? He did not hear anything about him.

The judge reads the testimony of the witness at the request of Novikov. At the preliminary investigation, he said that he did not know Oyub, but now it turns out that he knows him as a fellow villager.

The witness holds to the testimony that he gave the investigator. He does not know Titiev at all, not what he looks like and not his last name.

He does not remember if there was someone else in the room when he gave his testimony to the investigator. It was a long time ago.

He does not remember if the investigator explained his rights.

Novikov: The words that the judge read, are those your words?

Witness: Yes, my words.

Novikov: Why do they match the words of the other witnesses exactly? Did you conspire?

Witness: No.

He never saw a uniform with the letters RRF.

Zaikin turned attention to the fact that the witness is in a completely new uniform. He says that this uniform is fresh, that he cleans it often.

Zaikin: Where is the subdivision of RRF?

Witness: I don’t know.

Zaikin: Is there one in the Kurchaloevskij police department?

Witness: I don’t know.

There are only camouflage and ceremonial uniforms.

He does not remember whether there was another uniform on the employees of police department from December of last year. He never saw Oyub on the patrol route.

Dubrovina: How do you know him as a fellow villager?

Witness: I don’t know him.

He does not remember when they gave this uniform out. The winter and summer uniforms are the same color. He does not know or remember when they switch from summer to winter uniforms.

Oyub asks whether the witness read his own testimony. The witness responds in the affirmative.

Oyub: Then why is it written in the testimony that you have worked for the police since 2017, but in court you said since 2015?

Witness 5 (of 12) Habib Matsaev, works in PPS.

Works on the «turn» at the checkpoint.

Four people serve on a shift at a time, pairs switch every two hours. The witness does not know Oyub and he did not participate in his detention or transport. He has never gone on auto-patrol.

Novikov: Do you remember January 9? Did you let a Lada through?

Witness: I don’t remember.

He saw Oyub on the news, on television.

He did not discuss Titiev’s detention with his colleagues.

Zaikin: Do they go out on auto-patrol in the Kurchaloevskij police station?

Witness: I don’t remember, there are hundreds of cars there.

He does not remember if cars with the RRF inscription passed through.

In the course of the five years he was worked for the police, he has not seen if there are cars like that at all. He does not remember.

He does not remember if he saw such a car in the parking area.

He saw Road Police cars.

He does not remember whether there are camouflage Patrol Unit cars.

He heard what RRF is.

He cannot decipher the word.

He never wore a green uniform.

He does not remember whether other employees wear green camouflage.

Cars pass through with passes.

Cars with employees pass through.

Witness 6 (of 13) Xadzhimuradov Artur Sharpudievich, born 1983. Lives in Tsotsin-yurt, completed secondary education. He works in the Patrol Unit of the Kurchaloevskij police station as a warrant officer.

He was not involved in the detention or transport of Oyub.

He is a foot patrolman in the village of Geldagan.

He has not transported any suspects since January.

When there are events in the forest or in the cordon, they go out in the same uniform-blue camouflage.

He has not gone out on auto-patrol.

Petition of the prosecutor: he asks to read out the testimony that the witness gave in the preliminary investigation.

The defense is indifferent. The witness did not see Oyub on January 9 or 10.

The judge reads the testimony.

Recess until 10am, August 1.

Программа: Горячие точки
Программа: Поддержка политзэков

Титиев Оюб Салманович родился 24 августа 1957 года, живёт в селе Курчалой Чеченской Республики, правозащитник, руководитель грозненского представительства Правозащитного центра (ПЦ) «Мемориал».
