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Alexander Cherkasov: ‘Сlaims against us have no ground: it is just the Government’s arbitrary will’


On November 18, 2021 a press conference "Lawsuits to liquidate Memorials: absurd, illegal, and dangerous for civil society" was held in Moscow

Said-Mukhamad Dzhumaev, involved in clashes with police at a protest rally in support of Navalny, is a political prisoner


Said-Mukhamad Dzhumaev was given an unprecedentedly harsh sentence of five years in a penal colony, although no police personnel were injured by his actions

Kirill Skripin, charged with vandalism for the graffiti ‘PUTIN-THIEF,’ is victim of unlawful and politically-motivated prosecution


Rostov activist Kirill Skripin was held for almost six months on remand even though there is no CCTV footage of the alleged crime

Press conference "Lawsuits to liquidate Memorials: absurd, illegal, and dangerous for civil society"


18 November 2021, 11: 30 (Moscow Time)

5/10 Karetny ryad, Moscow, Russia

«Justification of extremism and terrorism»: the Prosecutor’s Office of Moscow finds additional grounds for the liquidation of the Memorial Human Rights Centre


The preliminary court hearing will be held at 10:30 AM, November 23

Russian Prosecutor General's Office files lawsuit to liquidate International Memorial


Statement by International Memorial

Memorial publishes new lists of political prisoners


Over the past year the number of political prisoners in Russia has risen from 362 to 420 

List of Individuals Recognised as Political Prisoners by the Memorial Human Rights Centre and Persecuted in connection with the Realisation of Their Right to Freedom of Religion as of 9 November 2021

Publication date: 09.11.2021

List of Individuals Recognised as Political Prisoners by the Memorial Human Rights Centre (with the Exception of Those Persecuted in connection with the Realisation of their Right to Freedom of Religion) as of 9 November 2021

Publication date: 09.11.2021

Pressure on Turkmen Nationals in Turkey Must Be Stopped. Their Rights and Freedoms Must Be Secured


Statement by non-governmental organizations
