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Memorial: Moscow region bloggers Aleksandr Dorogov and Yan Katelevsky are political prisoners


We believe the two bloggers are being prosecuted because of their anti-corruption investigations 

Memorial: ‘Police Ombudsman’ Vladimir Vorontsov is a political prisoner


We believe he is being prosecuted on account of his civic and human rights activities

Evgeny Esenov, a participant in a rally in support of Aleksei Navalny, is a political prisoner


He has been sentenced to four years in prison for striking the helmet of a riot police officer

Convicted businessman Konstantin Ponomarev is a political prisoner


He was found guilty of fraud and other crimes for attempting to collect payment for the use of his power generators during the energy blockade of Crimea

Press conference “Memorial vs liquidation”


Friday, February 25, 2022 11:00 AM (MSK)
Moscow, Karetny Ryad str., build. 5/10

Memorial: A big live stream


February 21, 8.00 p.m. (Moscow time)

Vadim Duboisky, a Belarusian citizen accused of participating in mass riots, is a political prisoner


Vadim Duboisky has already been held for 10 months in a Russian detention centre at the request of Belarusian law enforcement authorities

Konstantin Lakeev, convicted of kicking an FSB car, is a political prisoner


Konstantin Lakeev, 18, has been sentenced to almost three years in prison for kicking an FSB car three times at a rally in support of Navalny in Moscow

Belarusian citizen Yana Pinchuk, threatened with extradition to her home country, is a political prisoner


Yana Pinchuk is accused in Belarus of inciting hatred against police officers and extremism for running an opposition Telegram channel

Six Muslims are political prisoners: evidence against them may have been falsified and their right to a fair trial was violated


Their prosecution may have been part of a government propaganda campaign against ‘Islamic extremism’
